Honda Coupe 9

Proud OwnerGlenn Ryman
Engine NumberH1300E 6011250
Body NumberH1300C 1047468
(7 or 9, S or Deluxe or Custom)
9 S
Build/Compliance date1972
Current colourWhite
Original colourWhite
General condition
(Original, Restored, Complete, parts, etc)
Being restored
City, Country of deliveryWestern Australia
(where it is now)
New Zealand
Parts available?  

Update on Restoration from previous owner:

In preparing the boot (trunk to you northerners) for painting I found that a portion of the rubberised coating over the metal had been affected by oil and painting over it would be a waste of time. Some of it had lifted, and if removed, there was still quite a film of oil under it. I made the decision to remove all of the coating. Not an easy task. I managed to do it, but it took a lot of scraping. After about four hours I got it to the stage in the photo.

That is after developing blisters on my hands, skin off the nuckles, a sore back and a big bruise on the forehead.

Note the homemade scrapers. One is half of a table knife, the other being an old file which I sharpened on the grinder.

However it is now done, and I am about half way through removing all that is left with a wire brush on my drill. It has been a big job, but they say that preparation is the key to a good job. I will have to find a replacement coating.

I have now finished the work in the boot of my car. I am very happy with the end result. I have not been able to get my hands on the soundproofing compound for the floor, but it will get applied when I find the appropriate material. In the meantime, I have sprayed it with the same paint that you would use on the bottom of spoilers and door sills.